Customer Testimonials

What out clients say about their garden room

A top service throughout from early communications (which were very quick) through to the actual build.  The building Morespace have just completed looks great.  Our neighbours are impressed and we are too! They are quick and have a great attention to detail, real hard workers.  Price-wise they were great value – worth getting a quote from and hey can customise their plans to suit your garden which some companies charge a premium to do.  Overall I would not hesitate to recommend Morespace.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for creating the most amazing space. The quality of workmanship is outstanding and the overall finish is absolutely stunning. I am beyond thrilled with my new home office and feel completely inspired to create things in my new space. At night it also looks slightly Australian with the trees lit up outside. It really is amazing.
Thank you so much for the lovely garden room it looks brilliant!!!!!! Have a fantastic Christmas, wishing you all the best for the New Year
Just a big thank you for all your work & professionalism in building our Garden Room & Utility Room, especially with solving the door objective in the utility room
I did a lot of research for my home office, looking at the DIY kits available and numerous other companies. My Morespace office was cheaper and better specified than the kits (when the foundations were taken into account) and thousands of pounds cheaper than their competition. Morespace has the further advantage they will design a building to fit an existing space at no extra cost.

The home office was constructed in a few days in a highly professional manner. I have been using it for 5 months and am extremely pleased with it. It is well insulated, has plenty of light and many people have commented on its modern attractive appearance. It was an enormous relief to find a company that would build the office I wanted at a great price without all the labour, hassle and compromises of a “DIY kit”

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Walsall Garden Centre,

Sutton Road,



01543 250911